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Beyond the Basics: Octane HRMS’s Tailored Solutions for a Leading Textile Manufacturing Company

Customer Overview

Founded in 1978, our customer is a leading garment manufacturing company in India, specializing in high-quality apparel for international markets. With state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and a workforce of over 10,000 employees, the company’s product range spans casual wear, formal wear, and activewear, catering to a diverse global clientele.

Challenges Faced

As their business grew, the company encountered significant challenges in managing its expansive workforce. The complexity of HR operations increased, especially given the company’s multiple locations and varied employee roles. Their outdated, legacy HRMS, which was developed in-house, was no longer able to keep up with the company’s growth and evolving needs. The company’s manual HR processes were no longer sustainable, leading to inefficiencies, errors, and compliance risks.

The primary challenges included:

  • Inaccurate Attendance Tracking: The company’s reliance on manual systems and biometric devices made it difficult to track employee attendance accurately across its various locations, especially for its primarily blue-collar workforce.The complexity of managing various shifts and accurately calculating overtime (OT) and lack of a centralized system for attendance data further exacerbated the challenges of attendance tracking.
  • Complicated Payroll Processing: With a large and diverse workforce, Texport struggled to process payroll efficiently and accurately. The complexities arose from diverse pay structures, including calculations based on 26 working days, overtime regulations, and the need for custom reports for internal and external stakeholders. The existing system required significant manual intervention, leading to delays and potential errors.
  • Scattered and Inconsistent Data: HR data was stored across multiple systems and databases (around 16), making it challenging to maintain a unified and accurate view of employee information. The lack of a centralized database hindered reporting and decision-making.
  • Compliance Difficulties: Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements across multiple locations and states was a significant burden, given the manual nature of their HR operations and the varying statutory norms across different states.
  • Employee Self-Service Limitations: The previous HRMS solutions lacked user-friendly self-service portals, particularly impacting the blue-collar workforce who were less familiar with technology. This limited their ability to manage their own information, apply for leaves, or access payslips, leading to dependency on HR personnel and potential delays.

Exploring Competitor Solutions

In search of a robust HRMS, Texport evaluated several HR software solutions available in the market. However, none of the competitor solutions were able to fully meet the company’s complex requirements. Issues such as lack of flexibility & customizability, poor integration capabilities, and inadequate support services led to dissatisfaction and ultimately the decision to continue searching for a better fit.

The Solution: Octane HRMS by Embee Software

Recognizing the need for a solution that could address all its HR challenges, Texport partnered with Embee Software to implement Octane HRMS. This comprehensive HR management system was chosen for its ability to offer an integrated compensation structuring tool, effective automations, integration with existing systems while also offering a high degree of customization, and scale with the company’s growing needs.

Key Features of Octane HRMS

Implementation Approach

The implementation of Octane HRMS by Embee Software was a meticulously planned process, designed to ensure minimal disruption to Texport’s ongoing operations:

  • Requirement Analysis: Embee Software’s team conducted an in-depth analysis of Texport’s HR processes, identifying areas of improvement and understanding specific business needs.
  • Customization and Integration: Octane HRMS was customized to align with Texport’s unique requirements. The system was integrated with existing applications to ensure seamless data flow and consistency across the organization.
  • Pilot Testing: A pilot phase was conducted in select locations to test the system’s functionality and gather feedback. This allowed for adjustments and fine-tuning before full-scale deployment.
  • Training and Deployment: Comprehensive training sessions were provided to the HR team and employees to ensure a smooth transition. The system was then rolled out across all Texport locations, with Embee Software providing ongoing support.

Key Customizations-

  • Dynamic Pay Structure: The Octane HRMS payroll module was customized to accommodate Texport’s complex and dynamic pay structures, ensuring accurate calculations for various employee categories, skill levels, and locations. This flexibility eliminated the need for manual adjustments and reduced the risk of payroll errors.
  • Integrated Compensation Structure Tool: The HRMS provided an integrated tool for managing Texport’s compensation structure, streamlining the process of defining salary ranges, bonuses, and other benefits. This eliminated the need for separate external tools and ensured consistency in compensation practices.
  • API Integration: Octane HRMS’s open API architecture facilitated seamless integration with various external systems, including biometric devices, legacy HR systems, and other business applications. This enabled efficient data exchange and streamlined workflows across the organization. The customized APIs developed for biometric integration ensured smooth data collection from multiple factory locations.
  • Custom Reports for Internal and External Stakeholders: Octane HRMS enabled the creation of customized reports tailored to the specific needs of both internal management and external auditors. The system’s flexibility allowed for the generation of reports that met specific compliance requirements, including the ability to present data in a way that aligned with audit and compliance expectations.

Texport is also leveraging Octane in the following HR Business processes:

  • Recruitment Module: Streamlining the recruitment process with talent requisition forms, candidate portals, and interview scheduling, integrated with Microsoft 365.
  • Onboarding Process: Automated onboarding with detailed employee information capture and induction planning.
  • Loan and Advance Management: Providing employees with the ability to apply for loans and advances through the self-service portal, with automated approval workflows.
  • Asset Management: Tracking and managing of employee assets, including issuance and return processes.
  • Monthly Reimbursement: Allowing employees to claim monthly reimbursements with supporting document uploads and approval workflows.
  • Tour and Travel Management: Facilitating tour requests, approvals, and expense claims, ensuring accurate attendance marking during travel periods.
  • Training Management: Supporting the creation of training agendas, enrolment, attendance tracking, and feedback collection.
  • Exit Process: Streamlining the resignation and exit process with automated workflows for notice period adjustments, exit interviews, and full and final settlements.

Results and Benefits

The implementation of Octane HRMS brought transformative results to Texport’s HR operations:

  • Operational Efficiency: Automation of HR processes significantly reduced manual work, allowing the HR team to focus on strategic initiatives.
  • Data Accuracy: Centralized data and automated payroll processing eliminated errors and improved data accuracy, resulting in higher employee satisfaction.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Octane HRMS ensured that Texport remained compliant with all relevant labor laws and regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues.
  • Enhanced Employee Experience: The self-service portals and automated processes improved the overall employee experience, leading to greater engagement and satisfaction.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Octane HRMS’s modular design allowed Texport to scale the system as the company grew, ensuring continued support for its expanding workforce.


Texport’s successful implementation of Octane HRMS by Embee Software marked a significant milestone in its journey towards operational excellence. After evaluating multiple HRMS solutions, Texport found the perfect fit in Octane HRMS, which met all its requirements and more.

The partnership with Embee Software not only resolved Texport’s HR challenges but also positioned the company for future growth and success. Embee Software continues to support Texport, ensuring that their HR operations remain efficient, compliant, and aligned with the company’s strategic goals.

Don’t Adapt to Your HRMS, Let It Adapt to You – Octane HRMS

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