
More than 75 million active users collaborate everyday with Microsoft Teams surpassing Zoom or any other communication & collaboration platform. Microsoft Teams’ stellar features make it a perfect tool on which a modern remote worker can rely on.

In the coming years, majority of the workforce will be working from home. But having everyone on the same page can be difficult without any collaboration tool.

Now, with this eBook we want to empower small and medium enterprises to leverage the true power of Microsoft Teams.

With Microsoft Teams, you can chat with your teammates, set agenda, hold meetings and extend your business processes securely and safely.

In this eBook we have shared in detail:

Looking for Microsoft O365 solution provider for your remote workforce?

Talk to our Microsoft certified consultants who can guide you on identifying the right plan, suggest you Setting up and Deployment best practices and processes, guide you on the migration, and more. We see to it that your business gets the best out of Microsoft 365.

Looking for Microsoft Teams training solutions provider?

Do you have O365 licenses up and running, but Teams usage is at a standstill? Embee’s Microsoft Teams Quick Start sessions can get you up and running with Microsoft Teams in as little as 2 days, starting at only $1500. Your first consultation is absolutely on us!

Rethink your collaboration & communication landscape for the borderless teams

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